
Memory Championship Tour 2017 – Road to IAM WMC 2017

Registration : Memory Tour Reg

Download Practice Paper 2017 :

Bank Soal Random Images from IAM : Set 1-10 – 5 Min Random Images

Memory Software for Practice (Windows) :

Memory Software for Practice (Android) :

Invitation Letter :

Practice Target : Download in Ms.Excel & PDF






















Records Target – Indonesia Memory Sports Team (Sponsored Version)

Records Target – Indonesia Memory Sports Team (Sponsored Version)
For Korea Open Memory Championship
February 17, 2017 – February 19, 2017
Chung-Ang University Gymnasium

Kids Target

Juniors Target

Adults Target

• Team members who can achieve at least 5 from 10 (yellow mark) Indonesia Target Records will get full sponsorship to Korea Open Memory Championship 2017.

• Quota planned sponsorship from PT Kaltim Prima Coal and Indonesia Memory Sports Council: 3 persons

• Sponsorship value for each choosen team member: IDR 15,000,000

• Testing Schedule will be conducted on January (middle) at Kota Kasablanka, Jakarta

Organized by:


Sponsored by:


Competition Info

Name: The 1st Korea Open Memory Championship
Competition schedule
• Friday, February 17, 2017 (Seminar, Registration, Eve)
• Saturday, February 18, 2017 (Registration, First day of competition)
• Sunday, February 19, 2017 (Second day of the competition, Award Ceremony)
Venue: Chung-Ang University Seoul Campus Gymnasium
Eligibility: All ages (300 persons)
Prize money: 30 million KRW in total




For All Open Competitors



Chung-Ang University Seoul Campus Gymnasium


Chung-Ang University Gymnasium, Seoul
Subway: Sangdo Station on Line 7 and get off at Exit 5, then walk 10 min.
Dongjak Station on Line 9 and get off at Exit 3, then walk 15 min.


Branch bus – 5511 (Seoul National University ‣ Central University), 5517 (Seoul National University ‣ Central University), 5524 (Sillim 8th ‣ Chungang University), 5529 (Sammaksa-sageori ‣ Chungang University), 6411 (Guro-dong ‣ Gaepo-dong)

Main bus – 151 (Wooui-dong ‣ Chung-ang University), 360 (Songpa ‣ Yeouido), 361 (Godeok-dong ‣ Yeongdeungpo), 362 (Ogum-dong ‣ Yeouido), 363 (Sinwon-dong ‣ Samsung station), 340 (Sinwol-dong ‣ Samsung Station), 642 (Banghwa-dong ‣ Express Terminal), 462 (Seongnam ‣ Yeongdeungpo)

Wide area bus – 9408 (Bundang ‣ Yeongdeungpo)

Town bus – Dongjak 01 (Dalmasa ‣ Fisheries Market), Dongjak 10 (Shindonga Apartment Jeolgogae

Airport bus: 600 (Jamsil ‣ Incheon International Airport)

Chung-Ang University Seoul Campus Gymnasium


Dormitories on campus are provided for foreign participants.
*Dormitory fees will be announced at a later date.

Competitor List:


Memory Holiday Camp Januari 2017

Apakah Ayah Bunda ingin mengisi liburan putra-putri Anda dengan kegiatan yang bermanfaat?. Saatnya ajak putra-putri Anda ke Program Unggulan kami “Memory Holiday Camp”.

Student Memory Course (SMC) yang didirikan oleh Yudi Lesmana, “Grandmaster of Memory” tingkat dunia, bekerjasama dengan Gramedia Academy mengadakan Gramedia Academy Holiday Camp tanggal 5-7 Januari 2017 di Wisma Kompas Gramedia Cipanas.

Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp yang dibawakan langsung oleh Kak Yudi akan mengasah 8 kompetensi anak-anak, yaitu:
1. Kesiapan untuk mengambil tindakan
2. Konsentrasi dan daya ingat
3. Penyelesaian masalah-masalah kritis
4. Kepemimpinan dan delegasi
5. Perencanaan dan pengaturan
6. Perhatian terhadap detil
7. Penyelesaian masalah-masalah umum
8. Kemampuan mempelajari hal-hal baru dalam waktu cepat

Gramedia Academy – Memory Holiday Camp

1. Apakah Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp itu?
Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp adalah kegiatan yang bertujuan Membangun suasana belajar yang menyenangkan, dinamis dan modern dengan spesialisasi dibidang daya ingat dan konsentrasi. Kegiatan ini dibuat atas dasar kepedulian terhadap perkembangan kualitas pelajar di Indonesia yang semakin kompetitif di masa yang akan datang. Pada tahun 2035, anak-anak Indonesia yang saat ini kita didik akan menjadi SDM produktif yang akan menjadi aktor utama pembangunan Indonesia.

2. Siapa penyelenggara kegiatan Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp diselenggarakan oleh Gramedia Academy bersama Student Memory Course

3. Apakah Gramedia Academy & Student Memory Course itu?
Gramedia Academy adalah training provider dengan menggunakan sumber pelatihan dari buku-buku yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Gramedia dan menghadirkan penulis-penulis buku tersebut sebagai tutor. Kemampuan Gramedia Academy dimiliki berkat pengalaman Gramedia selama bertahun-tahun melalui Divisi Edukasi menyelenggarakan training Bahasa Inggris lewat ELTI Gramedia English Course dan training ICT (Information Communication Technology) lewat PT. Bangun Satya Wacana (BSW) Gramedia Smart School.

Sementara Student Memory Course (SMC) adalah sebuah program kursus reguler untuk meningkatkan daya ingat dan konsentrasi yang diselenggarakan oleh Indonesia Memory Sports Council (IMSC) dengan pertemuan minimal satu minggu sekali. IMSC adalah perwakilan resmi dari World Memory Sports Council Inggris di Indonesia. Materi Pengajarannya diambil dari seri buku best seller “Memorizing Like an Elephant” karya Grand Master Memory, Yudi Lesmana, dan terstandar dengan kurikulum memory Internasional.

4. Apa Manfaat dari mengikuti Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp bermanfaat untuk mengasah 8 Kompetensi utama anak – anak, diantaranya adalah :
a. Konsentrasi dan Daya Ingat
b. Penyelesaian Masalah Krisis
c. Kepemimpinan dan Delegasi
d. Perencanaan dan pengaturan
e. Perhatian terhadap detail
f. Mempelajari hal baru dengan cepat
g. Penyelesaian masalah umum
h. Kesiapan untuk mengambil tindakan (Decisiveness)

5. Apa saja kegiatan yang ada di Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Kegiatan yang ada di Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp meliputi :
a. Games and Challenges (8 jenis , total 12.25 jam)
b. Materi Student Memory Class ( total 6 jam)
c. 4th Indonesia Friendly Memory Championship
d. Refleksi Kegiatan dan Renungan (2.25 jam)

6. Apakah semua orang bisa mengikuti Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Tidak, Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp hanya dapat diikuti oleh :
a. Anak – anak / remaja berusia 12 – 19 tahun
b. Alumni & Murid Student Memory Course
c. Siswa SMP & SMA yang ingin meningkatkan efektivitas belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan

7. Kapan & di mana Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp diadakan ?
Kamis – Sabtu / 5 – 7 Januari 2017 di Wisma Kompas Gramedia Pacet, Puncak

8. Di mana lokasi berkumpulnya sebelum keberangkatan?
Jakarta : Kompas Gramedia, Palmerah
Bandung : Eduplex, Dago

9. Berapa biaya untuk mengikuti kegiatan Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Biaya untuk mengikuti kegiatan Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Umum : Rp. 3.150.000.-
b. Early Bird ( 1-16 Desember 2016) : Rp. 2.360.000.-
c. Group Rate min. 3 Peserta : Rp. 2.250.000.-
Dan pembayaran dapat ditransfer melalui :
Rekening BCA 229 300 9210 a.n PT Bangun Satya Wacana

10. Apa Fasilitas yang didapatkan dari kegiatan Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Adapun fasilitas yang disediakan adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Penginapan & Makan
b. Modul Sertifikat
c. Scarf
d. Transportasi meeting point menuju lokasi (PP)
e. Pembinaan pasca acara 1x
f. Bisa melanjutkan level-2 kelas SMC di seluruh cabang aktif

11. Apakah saya mendapatkan pembinaan pasca acara Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Ya, Setelah acara Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp peserta akan mendapatkan 1 hari extra untuk workshop dalam menyesuaikan Konten Memory Camp menuju SMC Level 2

12. Apakah setelah mengikuti Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp saya dapat langsung lanjut mengikuti SMC Level 2?
Ya, Setelah mengikuti Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp, peserta dapat langsung mendaftarkan diri untuk ikut SMC level 2

13. Ke mana saya dapat menanyakan perihal Gramedia Academy Memory Holiday Camp?
Untuk info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi contact person dibawah ini :
Kiki : 0821 1339 3641
Tomo : 0812 1814 2022
Vitri : 087735075070

Foto Kegiatan Outdoor Memory Fun Febuari 2016 :




Hubungi :
Kiki 0821 1339 3641, Tomo 0812 1814 2022, atau Vitri 0838 6733 6953
Office : 021 21282171




Event Meet and Greet

Workshop Student Memory Course di Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Pertama di Kota Makkah !
Setelah mengadakan Workshop di beberapa Kota di Indonesia, dan di Singapore, Student Memory Course hadir di Kota Makkah Al Mukarommah. Bertempat di Sekolah Indonesia Makkah, kami akan menghadirkan Workshop Student Memory Course secara Gratis kepada lebih dari 300 anak-anak Indonesia disini pada 27 September 2016. Acara terbuka untuk umum. Catat waktu dan tempatnya, serta mhn infokan ke rekan-rekan yang membutuhkanCatatan : Peserta Workshop anak SD kelas 6, SMP, dan SMA


Profile Sekolah Indonesia di Makkah


Galeri Foto Kegiatan Workshop SMC di Sekolah Indonesia Makkah, 27 September 2016

IMG-20160927-WA0010 DSC_0291 DSC_0292 DSC_0293 DSC_0295 IMG-20160927-WA0009Kepala Sekolah Indonesia Makkah Sinsin R. (kiri) memberikan plakat kepada Yudi Lesmana (kanan)



Acara ini dihadiri oleh para Siswa-Siswi kelas 6-12 beserta para Staff Pengajar yang bertugas dan Kepala Sekolah Bapak Ir. Sinsin Rosyidin. Terima kasih atas antusiasme dan sambutannya. Salam Memory


2nd Indonesia Memory Championship 2016 (English Version)

In the age of information overload, more and more people have been studying methods that enhance their ability to retain and recall enormous amounts of information. With the awareness that memory is a mental skill that can be learned and used in a wide variety of ways, there’s a phenomenal increase in the participation of memory competitions. In recent years, the biggest growth in the Mind Sport of Memory has been in the Asia Pacific Region. Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country, is one of them.

National Open Championship in Bandung, Indonesia

IMC 2014

The situation of Indonesia Memory Championship, November 2014

After successfully held The 1st Indonesia Memory Championship in 2014, Indonesia Memory Sports Association (IMSA) will be conducting another international scale memory championship in Bandung on the 5th of November 2016. This is a perfect opportunity for you, memory athletes, to show your unlimited passion for memory sports and to prepare yourself for the next World Memory Championship.


Many tourist attractions in Bandung, Indonesia

As one of the top tourism destinations in Indonesia, Bandung is well known for its cool calming weather, highland plantation area, varieties of food, and cheaper shopping destination for fashion products. Nestled between three mountains, this capital city of the West Java province has plenty of family-friendly attractions that cater to both adults and children of all ages.

That’s also probably a reason why Bandung is commonly referred to ‘Parijs Van Java’ (Paris of Java) for its rich heritage in arts and culture. Be it the food, shopping, or the gorgeous views, visitors come from all over the world to experience different things to do in Bandung’s exquisite atmosphere. More information about traveling to Bandung:

Hotel Near Dago, Bandung


Eduplex, café and co-working space in Bandung

Newly established in 2016, Eduplex is an education themed café and co-working space that provide a comfortable, relaxed, and inspiring place for the competitors of 2nd Indonesia Memory Championship 2016. More information about the venue:


Here are the details of The 2nd Indonesia Memory Championship 2016.

Date : Saturday – Sunday, 5th – 6th November 2016

Time : 09:00 – 17:00

Venue : EduPlex 4th floor, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 84, Bandung,

West Java, Indonesia

Seat Capacity : 100 competitors

Participation Fee : USD 70/participant (foreign competitors)

IDR 300,000/participant (local competitors)

Registration Closing Date : 22nd October 2016 (foreign competitors)

29th October 2016 (local competitors)


The competition prize for the winners, both local and foreign, are as follows.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Overall Champions:

Trophy + Medal + International Certificate + Prize Money

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Category Champions (Kids, Junior, Adults):

Trophy + Medal + International Certificate + Prize Money

Winners of each discipline from every category (Kids, Junior, Adults):

Medal + International Certificate + Gift


There are four age categories for competitors in a Memory Championship:

Kids – must be 12 years or under in the calendar year of the competition.

Junior – must be between 13 and 17 years old in the calendar year of the competition.

Adult – for those between the ages of 18 and 59 in the calendar year of the competition.

Senior – for those 60 years and over in the calendar year of the competition.


The competition will have 10 disciplines which comply with conventional national championship standard rules.

1. 5 Min Names and Faces

To commit to memory as many names and faces as possible within 5 minutes, and link the names to the right faces.

2. 5 Min Binary Numbers

To commit to memory as many binary digits (e.g. 101101) as possible within 5 minutes, and recall them perfectly.

3. 15 Min Random Numbers

To commit to memory as many random digits (1, 3, 5, 8, 2, 5, etc.) in complete rows of 40 digits within 15 minutes, and recall them perfectly.

4. 15 Min Abstract Images

To commit to memory the sequence of abstract images in as many rows as possible within 15 minutes, and recall the sequence correctly.

5. Speed Numbers – 2 Trials

To commit to memory as many random digits (1, 3, 5, 8, 2, 5, etc.) in complete rows of 40 digits within 5 minutes, and recall them perfectly. The best result of 2 attempts will be taken into account.

6. Historic/Future Dates

To commit to memory as many numerical historic/future dates as possible within 5 minutes, and link them to the correct fictional event.

7. 10 Min Playing Cards

To commit to memory as many separate packs (decks) of 52 playing cards as possible within 10 minutes, and recall the sequence correctly.

8. 5 Min Random Words

To commit to memory as many random words (e.g. dog, vase, guitar, etc.) in complete columns of 20 words as possible within 5 minutes, and recall them perfectly.

9. Spoken Numbers – 3 Trials

To commit to memory and recall as many Spoken Numbers as possible, with the interval of 1 number per second. The best result of 3 attempts will be taken into account.

10. Speed Cards – 2 Trials

To commit to memory a single pack (deck) of 52 playing cards in the shortest possible time, and recall the sequence correctly. The best result of 2 attempts will be taken into account.


In order to promote Mind Sport of Memory in Indonesia and the world, the organizers present a new memory challenges which will be witnessed by the public and media. Every challenge will be given in 3 minutes memorization time and 3 minutes recall time.

These tests will be having separate values from the other 10 disciplines, thus any results will not affect the final score which has been obtained by the competitors. For these challenges, the organizers provide prize money, medals, and certificates for the Top 3 of each of this new memory tests.

3 New Memory Challenges will be held shortly before the announcement of the overall results of 10 disciplines. Embracing the concept of interactive and fun challenges, here are the 3 New Memory Challenges:

  • 3 minutes, Fictional Formula and Random Password. A total of 21 questions, 11 formulas, 10 passwords with a combination of numbers and alphabets in 6 characters.

    3 min Formulas & Passwords

  • 3 minutes, Human Calendar. Answering the day of 100 random dates, months, and years.

    3 min Human Calendar

The scoring of each test will be stopped when the arbiter found the first wrong answer. For example, if a competitor answered 10 formula/password, while it turns out the third formula/password is wrong, then the fourth will not be scored even if it correct, thus making the competitor only scored two. The Flash Pictures challenges also comply with this rules. Especially for Human Calendar, the rules is similar to Historic Future Dates Event. The correct answer of the date given will be score 1 and the wrong answer of the date given will be score -0.5. The winner is the competitor who achieve the highest score of total correct and wrong answer.

Competitors do not have to remember all the questions in these tests. Memorization strategy, accuracy, and ability to control your emotions will be the key to victory.


Best regards,

Yudi Lesmana

Chief of Indonesia Memory Sports Association


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